E-Commerce Consultant, IT-Specialist, Coach.

Alexander Pimentel Guevara

"Kindness is seeing the best in others when they cannot see it in themselves."

About Me

Hello! I'm Alexander, a quiet flexible professional with a multifaceted career in the tech and eCommerce sectors. As a Solution Engineer and Product Owner, I thrive on crafting innovative solutions that streamline processes and enhance user experiences. My journey doesn't stop there; I'm also a dedicated Project Manager, ensuring that every project I touch is executed with precision and excellence.

My ultimate goal in life? To empower and inspire. Whether it’s through leading by example in the tech world, mentoring upcoming professionals, or driving innovation in eCommerce and IT services, I’m committed to making a positive impact. I believe that through dedication, creativity, and a heart for service, we can not only succeed in our careers but also contribute significantly to a better, more connected world.

Sharing Knowledge

In my Blog section, I enthusiastically open my world of continuous learning and professional development to you. With a rich background in tech and eCommerce, I believe in the power of sharing – not just successes, but also the journey of growth and learning.

Whether you’re a professional or just starting your journey in the tech world, I hope my experiences and learning path inspire you and provide valuable insights for your own career growth. Let’s learn and grow together!
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Professional Skills

Some of my main activities I usually spent time on.


I am offering some of my specialities as an service.

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Personal Coaching for ADD

Families, Adults and Teenagers

My goal is to empower each individual and family to reach their full potential, turning perceived obstacles into opportunities for growth and achievement. Through a mix of practical strategies, empathetic understanding, and positive reinforcement, I aim to help manage the symptoms of ADD and improve overall quality of life.
Whether you’re seeking guidance for yourself, your child, or as a family unit, my coaching sessions are designed to provide tools for better focus, organization, and coping mechanisms in daily life. Together, we can navigate the journey of living with ADD, building a path towards success and fulfillment.
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Stay In Touch With Me

You'll get occasional news on new blog entries or projects.